Friday, August 31, 2007

MAF Test

Following advice from a thread at, I am going to make sure that my easy runs are run at MAF, so I have just got back from my first run. 0.5 mile warm uo and down and 4 mile at MAF, which I am taking as 150bpm.
I could not believe how easy it is to push up the heart rate. It became a little difficult to run at around 150bpm as as i went on, my pace had to slow down. This was strange, as after mile 1 I felt warmed up, yet this meant that my HR was elevated more. Anyhow I am going to keep a log of this, love it.
Here are my findings:

mile 1 - 8:39
mile 2 - 8:51
mile3 - 9:11
mile 4 - 9:32

I could not believe how easy it is to push up the heart rate. It became a little difficult to run at around 150bpm as as i went on, my pace had to slow down. This was strange, as after mile 1 I felt warmed up, yet this meant that my HR was elevated more. Anyhow I am going to keep a log of this, love it.

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