Wednesday, September 19, 2007

10k PB

Hey guys, I just had to share with you my run tonight, as I am so happy. I started out from my house on a usual route, and went out a little faster than my normal warm up pace. I felt good, and the pace was getting a little faster, so I thought what the hell, lets go or a good 10K time. My previous 10k PR was 46:15, this was on a x country course. Today I came away with a road time of "42:32. I was well chuffed, and couldn't have worked any harder towards the end. I cant stop thinking that I should have gone out a little faster, but hey it would only have compromised my pace later on. Here are some stats you guys ma want to look at.

In an actual race I should be a little quicker I would hope, looking a the last 3.1 miles too, it works out at just over 20 minutes by a few seconds for the 5k.20:03, so I know I can break that too hopefully.

Please comments welcome.

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