Sunday, April 20, 2008

Out with my Bro!

Since being out for what seemed forever with injury I have been steadily upping my miles. I have also been going out with a few friends who want to get into running. The thing is, whilst running with them I have rediscovered how enjoyable running can be as when I go with them it is at a very slow and comfortable pace. This all changed yesterday when I went out with my brother who is very fit.
We set out at a fast pace (for me) and I ended up doing a 5k TT. I did it in 20:02. I was happy seeing as though I have been injured and I didnt expect to get this close to 20 mins.
We ended up doing 7 miles in total at 7 in mile pace.
The thing is it really helped running with him as he was always ahead of me and he pushed me to go faster and faster. Do you guys run with others who are faster? My last mile of the initial 5k was 5:55, and I recall my bro just running past me and way beyond me at a comfortable pace. Unbelievable, but it made me push harder.
He said to me literally,

"You need to push yourself more often. Stop being a pussy" Get some balls and run hard until you are dying on your hard days!"

Do you guys agree with this? I want to ultimately break 40 mins for 10k, and I dont thik I am going to do it on just log slow miles. Should I do a session so intense with my bro once a week?What are your thoughts and personal experiences of running with faster others?

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