Saturday, May 31, 2008

Maffetone Phase 2

Over the last few months I have done 3 races and have PB'd in them all, Unfortunately towards the end I was getting niggling pains in achilles and hip. Before hand I would have carried on through it and got injured. This time I have taken a week off and have just got back from a 15 mile run doing Maffetone Phase 2. I was very succesful with this plan last time, and so I am going to stick to it again religiously to get the base building and stamina back up to where it ought to be which I know will benefit me greatly after the hols when I think about racing agan, in August.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Astley Park 5k

Just got back from my 5k x country race, and though I didint break 20 (20:20) I am well happy cos it was very tough. Undulating country and trails and bridhes to negotiate etc. A nasty sting in the tail, steady ascent at the end for 400m.
Good result in all. Not got the official results, though placed about 32 out of approx 180

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

chorley 4 pb

Just completed another race, 4 mile road race, which I did last year in 27:22. I expected to knock a little off it this time.
I set off at a reserved pace, holding back purposely in order to save myself for the miles to come. The first mile was very easy, almost effortless, as I didnt push the pace whatsoever, and completed it in 6:23.
Others around me were breathing heavy already and this gave me the confidence I needed, and reassurance that I had gone out at a good proper pace. Mile 2 was a little quicker at 6:13, and still I felt extremely fit and 'flying'
Going into mile 3, I realised I was stronger than those around me and so I started picking people off, what a great feeling this was to over take people. There were quite a few people that I really wanted to beat from local running clubs, and I could see them ahead. Mile 3: 6:05. In the last mile I decided to push the pace, and I overtook loads more people: including all the people I so wanted to beat. With about 100 metres to go I wasfeeling the pain, but pushed hard to the finish and clocked a final mile of 6:07.
My overall official chip time was 24:56 but my garmin clocked 24:58 for 4.04 miles. That is 6:11 miling. Last year I averaged in the same race (actually 10 months ago) 6:50 mile pace.
This is great news for me and gives me so much confidence for up and coming races. I placed 41st out of 159. Here are the results for those of you that are interested.

I think you can see that this attracts some speedy runners, and I am so happy with my result. Hopefully soon (my next goal) I will go sub 6 average. Comments welcome please.
table.RAStats { background-color: #E7FFE7; border: 1px solid #6F6F6F; } span.RATitle { font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } span.RALabel { font-weight: bold; color: #333333; } span.RAValue { color: #8080FF; }