Wednesday, May 7, 2008

chorley 4 pb

Just completed another race, 4 mile road race, which I did last year in 27:22. I expected to knock a little off it this time.
I set off at a reserved pace, holding back purposely in order to save myself for the miles to come. The first mile was very easy, almost effortless, as I didnt push the pace whatsoever, and completed it in 6:23.
Others around me were breathing heavy already and this gave me the confidence I needed, and reassurance that I had gone out at a good proper pace. Mile 2 was a little quicker at 6:13, and still I felt extremely fit and 'flying'
Going into mile 3, I realised I was stronger than those around me and so I started picking people off, what a great feeling this was to over take people. There were quite a few people that I really wanted to beat from local running clubs, and I could see them ahead. Mile 3: 6:05. In the last mile I decided to push the pace, and I overtook loads more people: including all the people I so wanted to beat. With about 100 metres to go I wasfeeling the pain, but pushed hard to the finish and clocked a final mile of 6:07.
My overall official chip time was 24:56 but my garmin clocked 24:58 for 4.04 miles. That is 6:11 miling. Last year I averaged in the same race (actually 10 months ago) 6:50 mile pace.
This is great news for me and gives me so much confidence for up and coming races. I placed 41st out of 159. Here are the results for those of you that are interested.

I think you can see that this attracts some speedy runners, and I am so happy with my result. Hopefully soon (my next goal) I will go sub 6 average. Comments welcome please.

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