Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I have just got to share this with you guys, as I feel on top of the world, no exaggeration.
For a while I have been thinking about if I could go sub 20 for the 5k, and tonight, I (foolishly, after a very hard track session last night), set out and had a go at it. So it was not an official race, it was a time trial on my own with my garmin.In actual fact I stepped out of the door with the intention of just going by feel, and to my suprise without even pushing it I did the first mile in 6:30.It was then I thought, well to run a 5k sub 20 I need to run at 6:27 pace, so it was only at this time that I decided to try for the 5k PR.Mile 2 was covered in 5:50. It was fast, too fast I thought, as I though that I was not going to be able to sustain the pace for the rest of the route. Mile 3 felt a lot slower, as I was tiring, breathig was laboured, yet more controlled. I was focusing on breathing from my diaphragm, and it helped. The last part of the 5k was uphill, and I gave it my all, and covered it in 37 seconds, very quick.
I clocked my Garmin and screamed to myself, as it read 18:57!!!!!!
That is 63 seconds under my 2008 goal!
I have finally got it, and it want even a race, and I did it on the back of a really hard track session. I am not saying that if I was fresher I may have done better, or even in a race, but I would think it would be a bit quicker.
Ayhow, who cares, I have done it, and I am over the moon. Whats next??? Sub 18? God, I dont think I will be able to do that!
Please leave f/b. Thanks guys.

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