Monday, January 21, 2008

A New Year: New Goals

Well, my aims for this year are sub 40 for the 10K, and sub 19 for the 5k.
I have just finished my 8 week long MAF training peaking at 70miles.

Now I am doing track workout on Tues, Tempo on Thurs, either alone or with CH.Hill work Sat.

I am trying to develop my strength and speed now and have cut down the mileage to get me sub 40.

When I am ready I will test myself.
Recent workouts have been.
8x1:30 reverse, averaging 5:47m/pace at track
Treadmill: 4x1mile at 15km 1mile at 16/17km, with a recovery
Treadmill: 8km in 34:28 - 6:57 pace.

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