I have started to incorporate speedwork into my trianing, two sessions a week with 48-60 hours rest between. For one of the sessions I am working on speed and the other on tempo and endurance. One of the sessions is shorter reps of 100,200,300 or 400m with 60 seconds rest, and the other is starting at 1000m intervals. These workouts are run at my current vdot level (47). I have the intention of incresing the amount of intervals/distance over time.
31/07/07 I did the following: 10 min warm up, 6x200m 40 sec, 3 mile fat run hilly, 6x100m 20 sec - finished feeling tired but not all out. Enjoyable but hard.
31/07/07 I did the following: 10 min warm up, 6x200m 40 sec, 3 mile fat run hilly, 6x100m 20 sec - finished feeling tired but not all out. Enjoyable but hard.