Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Weigh In

I am really trying hard now to lose the last bit of weight that I want to shed. I am weighing in at about 13st10 at the moment, and I want to get down to 12st7 for the moment. I have read up and heard that a loss of 3lbs will improve my VDOT by one notch, which will potentially really zip up my race times.

Difficult all the same because I am maintaing my mileage, and doing more intense workouts, yet cutting back drastically on the calories.

I have started to eat smaller meals more often during the day, trying to get 5-6 meals in a day. Started eating nuts too! Hopefully my cutting back on the calories will not make my training too hard, and zap my energy levels, if this happens I will raise them again. All about trial and error at the moment.

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