Just this minute got back from the race, and it certainly was an experience. My friend and I arrived at the venue with about an hour to spare so we sat in the car for a while and chilled out. With about 30 miutes to go we decided that we would go out to warm up.....yet our plan was interruptedunexpectedly.
A lady who was running at the side of the parked cars, was hit by a car and she flew into our car. We had to remain there, as she was laid down in our car, until ambulance arrived. With about 10 miutes to go we managed to warm up.
We started at the front, about 5 lines back with the elite runners so to get a good start as there were about 3000 runners.
Mile 1: 6:08. This felt pretty hardwork actually and I knew that I wasnt going to have a good race.
Mile 2: 6:13. I knew now that my past week race and my hard track sessions had tired my legs and I was at this stage actually considering slowing to a trot, and just getting round.
Mile 3. 6:46. This was a really tough mile for me, and I was disappointed with the split as my legs simply just would not go any faster.
Mile 4. 6:25. Upped the Tempo a little and managed to do a decent mile, and still overally at sub 40 pace.
Mile 5. 6:14. I pulled a fast mile out of the bag, being spurred along by another racer.
Mile 6. 6:38. Very hard mile and legs were practically not moving. Still I knew that the finish was near.
0.36 miles. 6:12 pace.
Dejected as I crossed the line in 40:40. The course according to my Garmin and a few others measuring long, so didnt go under 40. Still, with hindsight I knew my legs were knackered from hard training. Simply put, I am not able to perform to my best with two 10ks back to back.
I am having a week off racing this week, doing plenty of slow MAF miles to help a little with my stamina ready for a race in 2 weeks again. Will post offical positioning etc when results are out.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Run Preston 10k
Arrived at the venue at 9:30 am. Race scheduled to start at 10am. I did my usual warming up, just about half a mile easy wuth some strides thrown in, and then was good to go.
This was a GP race and so was a huge crowd. Officials on Tannoys got out attention, some XXX runners in all, stating that there wer 3 Race Pens. One for the sub 37ers, one for the sub 42ers, and then the rest.
I was not beating around the bush and jumped in the sub 37ers pen. I was at the front at the starting lineup with some elite athletes, I didnt want to get 'caught up in traffic' so I figured this was a good decision. Also what with the initial euphoria at the start of any race, 37 pace would be a result for the first X metres, so I was ok.
One note is that I forgot my garmin, luckily my friend lent me his, as he was not going for a sub 40, but I was. I find it helps me know where I am.
OK, the mayor was introduced as the official starter and on the sound of a gun we shot off. I wanted to cover my first mile in around 6min/mile pace. After about 200m I glanced at my watch to track my pace. It read: 6:40 pace. I was gutted and thought that it was going to be a struggle to go sub 40 today.
(Liitle did I now until talking to my friend who lent me the watch after the race, that it takes time to register the pace. ) This was indeed evident as I covered the first mile in 5:43, and this was me consciously holding back as I didnt want to 'blow up' early.
I was especially happy with this first mile as it covered some hills too, and they were at least out of the way, and I still felt comfortable. Mile 2 involved some park paths and a nice steep descent. My arms windmilled to keep my balance and I still felt good and covered it in 6:12.
The early fast pace showed as mile 3 and 4 were covered in 6:23 and 6:38. My average pace on my garmin still showed about 6:15 so I knew that if I could hold it together I would go sub 40.
I met with a fellow club runner in mile 5 and we pulled eachother along and it was covered in 6:23. My breathing at this stage was becoming quite laboured, but I kept thinking, as long as I can still breathe I ought to be able to sustain the pace!
Mile 6 was a toughy,I covered it in 6:31. Towards the end of it we had to 'climb' the same hill I flew down in mile 2. This was very tough. Back on the road now, out of the park, and my garmin clocked that I covered the last 0.4 miles in 5:01 PACE. My brother who had finsihed some 4minutes before me was cheering for me as I entered the final 400m. I felt like I had nothing left to give but his cries of encouragement pulled me through in speedily fashion. As it was a GP race there was a massive crowd watching and all the cheering helped me through. I could see the official timer over the finish line ticking away, with about 200m left it read 39:23 - I absolutely blasted down the straight and crossed in an offical time of 39:50, placing 42nd out of 622!!!!!
I am racing again next Sun, Asics Liverpook 10k, going to push for a faster time, though I will be pleased just to go sub 40 again, never gonna look back again! Comments please.
This was a GP race and so was a huge crowd. Officials on Tannoys got out attention, some XXX runners in all, stating that there wer 3 Race Pens. One for the sub 37ers, one for the sub 42ers, and then the rest.
I was not beating around the bush and jumped in the sub 37ers pen. I was at the front at the starting lineup with some elite athletes, I didnt want to get 'caught up in traffic' so I figured this was a good decision. Also what with the initial euphoria at the start of any race, 37 pace would be a result for the first X metres, so I was ok.
One note is that I forgot my garmin, luckily my friend lent me his, as he was not going for a sub 40, but I was. I find it helps me know where I am.
OK, the mayor was introduced as the official starter and on the sound of a gun we shot off. I wanted to cover my first mile in around 6min/mile pace. After about 200m I glanced at my watch to track my pace. It read: 6:40 pace. I was gutted and thought that it was going to be a struggle to go sub 40 today.
(Liitle did I now until talking to my friend who lent me the watch after the race, that it takes time to register the pace. ) This was indeed evident as I covered the first mile in 5:43, and this was me consciously holding back as I didnt want to 'blow up' early.
I was especially happy with this first mile as it covered some hills too, and they were at least out of the way, and I still felt comfortable. Mile 2 involved some park paths and a nice steep descent. My arms windmilled to keep my balance and I still felt good and covered it in 6:12.
The early fast pace showed as mile 3 and 4 were covered in 6:23 and 6:38. My average pace on my garmin still showed about 6:15 so I knew that if I could hold it together I would go sub 40.
I met with a fellow club runner in mile 5 and we pulled eachother along and it was covered in 6:23. My breathing at this stage was becoming quite laboured, but I kept thinking, as long as I can still breathe I ought to be able to sustain the pace!
Mile 6 was a toughy,I covered it in 6:31. Towards the end of it we had to 'climb' the same hill I flew down in mile 2. This was very tough. Back on the road now, out of the park, and my garmin clocked that I covered the last 0.4 miles in 5:01 PACE. My brother who had finsihed some 4minutes before me was cheering for me as I entered the final 400m. I felt like I had nothing left to give but his cries of encouragement pulled me through in speedily fashion. As it was a GP race there was a massive crowd watching and all the cheering helped me through. I could see the official timer over the finish line ticking away, with about 200m left it read 39:23 - I absolutely blasted down the straight and crossed in an offical time of 39:50, placing 42nd out of 622!!!!!
I am racing again next Sun, Asics Liverpook 10k, going to push for a faster time, though I will be pleased just to go sub 40 again, never gonna look back again! Comments please.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Chorley 4 PB

After a lot of persuasion from friends, I decided to do the local 4miler, done it a few times before, though didn't feel especially good beforehand. Niggling achilles and a little tired.
It didn't help that we arrived and registered with 5 minutes to spare before the start of the race. No time for a warm up! Anyway, I have done this race 3 times before, and my last time I did it, 2 months ago, I was flying and did it in 24:56. I was going for 26 this time.
Mile 1: Felt ok, though not as good as the last time, kind of got dragged along at a pace that felt comfortable though, I thought may make my following miles a little more testing. Mile 1 was completed in 6:13.
Mile 2: Still felt relatively fresh and settled in behind a guy who seemed quite strong. I finally got level with him and said to him, "come on ,lets help eachother up this hill." I remember that at this moment it seemed to come a little personal battle, the pace increased, and we soon mounted the hill. I then took on the pace and overtook him, (vest, 18-), and that was the last I saw of him: see pic below, (me in 331). Mile 2: 6:08.
Mile 3: Now I began to feel the pain, and I rmeember hearing people from the side of the road, shouting to other runners, to "dig in". I took this advice, and worked hard to sustain this pace, as I thought that if I could I would be on for a PB. Mile 3 was hard but good for me psychologically, as I remember overtaking a lot of people, some of whom I have never quite beat. Mile 3 was completed in 6:08.
Mile 4: I knew now that it had all boiled down to this last mile, and I really wanted to be able to sustain my current pace, and end up with a great time. I really dug in and tried to up the pace, I dont know how but I pulle dit off, and completed the last mile in 5:56. I cant believe I was able to go sub 6.
Below is a pic of me finishing, and I must mention I felt like I was about to die!
I worked extremely hard for this finish, and finished in 24:24. 6:06 pace, I was thrilled to bits, comments please are very welcome.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Latest MAF Results
Just thought I would share my recent findings with you guys. At the beginning of the year, I did MAF training for 6 weeks, and my best MAF result was an average pace of 7:47 per mile, over 4 miles.
After I finished this I did a 5k race(first bit more or less of speed work for me in 7 weeks) and I PR'd from 21:13 to 18:57.
I have just started my base building again, and I am at the end of week 2. I decided to do another MAF test, in fact I did one yesterday, on a flat canal, and these were my findings:
Mile 1 7:36
Mile 2 7:38
Mile 3 7:40
Mile 4 7:22
This averaged out at 7:34 pace. Stayed under MAF by 2 beats
Today I did another MAF for the hell of it, and here were my findings:
Mile 1 7:35
Mile 2 7:06 downhill
Mile 3 8:00 uphill
Mile 4 7:33
Average pace again 7:34. Undr MAF by 2 beats
Just thought I would share this with you guys, as I am well impressed and only in week 2, and already 13 seconds per mile in my MAF test ahead of my previous phase. Should be flying hopefully when I go back to racing in time.
After I finished this I did a 5k race(first bit more or less of speed work for me in 7 weeks) and I PR'd from 21:13 to 18:57.
I have just started my base building again, and I am at the end of week 2. I decided to do another MAF test, in fact I did one yesterday, on a flat canal, and these were my findings:
Mile 1 7:36
Mile 2 7:38
Mile 3 7:40
Mile 4 7:22
This averaged out at 7:34 pace. Stayed under MAF by 2 beats
Today I did another MAF for the hell of it, and here were my findings:
Mile 1 7:35
Mile 2 7:06 downhill
Mile 3 8:00 uphill
Mile 4 7:33
Average pace again 7:34. Undr MAF by 2 beats
Just thought I would share this with you guys, as I am well impressed and only in week 2, and already 13 seconds per mile in my MAF test ahead of my previous phase. Should be flying hopefully when I go back to racing in time.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Maffetone Phase 2
Over the last few months I have done 3 races and have PB'd in them all, Unfortunately towards the end I was getting niggling pains in achilles and hip. Before hand I would have carried on through it and got injured. This time I have taken a week off and have just got back from a 15 mile run doing Maffetone Phase 2. I was very succesful with this plan last time, and so I am going to stick to it again religiously to get the base building and stamina back up to where it ought to be which I know will benefit me greatly after the hols when I think about racing agan, in August.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Astley Park 5k
Just got back from my 5k x country race, and though I didint break 20 (20:20) I am well happy cos it was very tough. Undulating country and trails and bridhes to negotiate etc. A nasty sting in the tail, steady ascent at the end for 400m.
Good result in all. Not got the official results, though placed about 32 out of approx 180
Good result in all. Not got the official results, though placed about 32 out of approx 180
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
chorley 4 pb
Just completed another race, 4 mile road race, which I did last year in 27:22. I expected to knock a little off it this time.
I set off at a reserved pace, holding back purposely in order to save myself for the miles to come. The first mile was very easy, almost effortless, as I didnt push the pace whatsoever, and completed it in 6:23.
Others around me were breathing heavy already and this gave me the confidence I needed, and reassurance that I had gone out at a good proper pace. Mile 2 was a little quicker at 6:13, and still I felt extremely fit and 'flying'
Going into mile 3, I realised I was stronger than those around me and so I started picking people off, what a great feeling this was to over take people. There were quite a few people that I really wanted to beat from local running clubs, and I could see them ahead. Mile 3: 6:05. In the last mile I decided to push the pace, and I overtook loads more people: including all the people I so wanted to beat. With about 100 metres to go I wasfeeling the pain, but pushed hard to the finish and clocked a final mile of 6:07.
My overall official chip time was 24:56 but my garmin clocked 24:58 for 4.04 miles. That is 6:11 miling. Last year I averaged in the same race (actually 10 months ago) 6:50 mile pace.
This is great news for me and gives me so much confidence for up and coming races. I placed 41st out of 159. Here are the results for those of you that are interested.
I think you can see that this attracts some speedy runners, and I am so happy with my result. Hopefully soon (my next goal) I will go sub 6 average. Comments welcome please.
I set off at a reserved pace, holding back purposely in order to save myself for the miles to come. The first mile was very easy, almost effortless, as I didnt push the pace whatsoever, and completed it in 6:23.
Others around me were breathing heavy already and this gave me the confidence I needed, and reassurance that I had gone out at a good proper pace. Mile 2 was a little quicker at 6:13, and still I felt extremely fit and 'flying'
Going into mile 3, I realised I was stronger than those around me and so I started picking people off, what a great feeling this was to over take people. There were quite a few people that I really wanted to beat from local running clubs, and I could see them ahead. Mile 3: 6:05. In the last mile I decided to push the pace, and I overtook loads more people: including all the people I so wanted to beat. With about 100 metres to go I wasfeeling the pain, but pushed hard to the finish and clocked a final mile of 6:07.
My overall official chip time was 24:56 but my garmin clocked 24:58 for 4.04 miles. That is 6:11 miling. Last year I averaged in the same race (actually 10 months ago) 6:50 mile pace.
This is great news for me and gives me so much confidence for up and coming races. I placed 41st out of 159. Here are the results for those of you that are interested.
I think you can see that this attracts some speedy runners, and I am so happy with my result. Hopefully soon (my next goal) I will go sub 6 average. Comments welcome please.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
My 10k PB: Scarecorw in Lancaster
Well, I think a lot of you know just how nervous I was going into this race as I have had my ups and downs lately with injuries. I was not sure what to expect in terms of time. I just planned on going out, keeping my head down and not pushing too much.
The 10k was on the road, and I can tell you, it was the hilliest course I have ever run. At 3k, we hit a hill that was extremely steep and just kept going on. In fact it went on for about 1.3 kms. It was hard but I dug in and shortened my stride and got to the top.
After that the whole race was undulating, yet the relieving downhills by no way compensated for the very steep ascents. It was damn tough. Here are my splits: but firstly let me tell you that I was intending, judging on form and expectation to average 7m/mile pace.
Mile 1: 6:29. I actually intended to do this mile in 6:45, so this was not too bad. In fact, the first half was covered in a rather over eager 2:50, and so I thought, I had better slow down.
Mile 2: 7:15. This was the mile whic had the massive hill, so in hindsight this was a good mile, and it brought my average pace back towards 7m/mile pace which I anticipated
Mile 3: 6:42. This was me recovering from the hard hill with some welcomed descents, along with some not so welcome ascents. Really bumpy, up and down. I passed 5k in about 21.
Mile 4: 6:45. Consistant with the pace, and was way ahead of my garmin race partner, but I started to feel the pain here, thinking I could not keep this pace up. Still more hills.
Mile 5: 6:25. A quick mile, pulled along by a guy in front of me who I caught, and kept with.
Mile 6: 6:31. Again a quick mile with the euphoria of getting close to home. Maximum lactate and increased breathing to the max.
Last 0.2 done in sub 6 pace, to a sprint finish taking on the guy I caught and beating him by 11 seconds.
I finished in 41:29 over a very hard course, placing 18 out of 110 and got a PR by 1 minute. This gives me so much confidence thinking that the elusive sub 40 is definitely attainable in 2008 on a fast course.
Comments always welcome.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Out with my Bro!
Since being out for what seemed forever with injury I have been steadily upping my miles. I have also been going out with a few friends who want to get into running. The thing is, whilst running with them I have rediscovered how enjoyable running can be as when I go with them it is at a very slow and comfortable pace. This all changed yesterday when I went out with my brother who is very fit.
We set out at a fast pace (for me) and I ended up doing a 5k TT. I did it in 20:02. I was happy seeing as though I have been injured and I didnt expect to get this close to 20 mins.
We ended up doing 7 miles in total at 7 in mile pace.
The thing is it really helped running with him as he was always ahead of me and he pushed me to go faster and faster. Do you guys run with others who are faster? My last mile of the initial 5k was 5:55, and I recall my bro just running past me and way beyond me at a comfortable pace. Unbelievable, but it made me push harder.
He said to me literally,
"You need to push yourself more often. Stop being a pussy" Get some balls and run hard until you are dying on your hard days!"
Do you guys agree with this? I want to ultimately break 40 mins for 10k, and I dont thik I am going to do it on just log slow miles. Should I do a session so intense with my bro once a week?What are your thoughts and personal experiences of running with faster others?
We set out at a fast pace (for me) and I ended up doing a 5k TT. I did it in 20:02. I was happy seeing as though I have been injured and I didnt expect to get this close to 20 mins.
We ended up doing 7 miles in total at 7 in mile pace.
The thing is it really helped running with him as he was always ahead of me and he pushed me to go faster and faster. Do you guys run with others who are faster? My last mile of the initial 5k was 5:55, and I recall my bro just running past me and way beyond me at a comfortable pace. Unbelievable, but it made me push harder.
He said to me literally,
"You need to push yourself more often. Stop being a pussy" Get some balls and run hard until you are dying on your hard days!"
Do you guys agree with this? I want to ultimately break 40 mins for 10k, and I dont thik I am going to do it on just log slow miles. Should I do a session so intense with my bro once a week?What are your thoughts and personal experiences of running with faster others?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Intervals getting quicker.
I believe that a great impact on my improved speed lately is the Interval sessions that I do at the local track. Be interesting to post your interval sessions and paces etc. Also include your tempo workouts.
Tues 15th Jan 2008
800 Repeats - 8 x 800s with 1 minute recovery.
I averaged over the 800s 2:53 - 5:46 mile pace.
Wed 16th Jan 2008 - 5K TT: 18:57 - 6:06 mile pace.
Thurs 17th Jan 2008
Tempo Mile Reps - One mile at a fast pace, with 2 minute rest - early full recovery x 5
I did them all round 6:27 pace, though the last one I did in 5:55
Tues 29th Jan 2008
2:30 reverse - run out for 2:30 and on the whistle run back-this is all about pacing yourself so you dont go out too fast, but likewise you want to be crossing the line back when he is counting down to end the 3 minutes interval. 1 minute rest in between x 6.
maximum pace was 3:58 m/mile This averags out at 0.87miles per interval.
Looking at the Mcmillan calculator as I go, I like to see what kind of training zone I fall into. I was initially going off a 10k time of 40mins, and I was pretty much similar to the recommended paces for it.
Now, after last nights session I have looked at the Mcmillan calc and put in my recent 5k time, and I am quicker than the results of that, so gettig faster indeed.
With this session it looks as though I fall in the training zone of about 18minute 5k/37:24 10k (definitely should be able to go sub 40.)
Tues 15th Jan 2008
800 Repeats - 8 x 800s with 1 minute recovery.
I averaged over the 800s 2:53 - 5:46 mile pace.
Wed 16th Jan 2008 - 5K TT: 18:57 - 6:06 mile pace.
Thurs 17th Jan 2008
Tempo Mile Reps - One mile at a fast pace, with 2 minute rest - early full recovery x 5
I did them all round 6:27 pace, though the last one I did in 5:55
Tues 29th Jan 2008
2:30 reverse - run out for 2:30 and on the whistle run back-this is all about pacing yourself so you dont go out too fast, but likewise you want to be crossing the line back when he is counting down to end the 3 minutes interval. 1 minute rest in between x 6.
maximum pace was 3:58 m/mile This averags out at 0.87miles per interval.
Looking at the Mcmillan calculator as I go, I like to see what kind of training zone I fall into. I was initially going off a 10k time of 40mins, and I was pretty much similar to the recommended paces for it.
Now, after last nights session I have looked at the Mcmillan calc and put in my recent 5k time, and I am quicker than the results of that, so gettig faster indeed.
With this session it looks as though I fall in the training zone of about 18minute 5k/37:24 10k (definitely should be able to go sub 40.)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I have just got to share this with you guys, as I feel on top of the world, no exaggeration.
For a while I have been thinking about if I could go sub 20 for the 5k, and tonight, I (foolishly, after a very hard track session last night), set out and had a go at it. So it was not an official race, it was a time trial on my own with my garmin.In actual fact I stepped out of the door with the intention of just going by feel, and to my suprise without even pushing it I did the first mile in 6:30.It was then I thought, well to run a 5k sub 20 I need to run at 6:27 pace, so it was only at this time that I decided to try for the 5k PR.Mile 2 was covered in 5:50. It was fast, too fast I thought, as I though that I was not going to be able to sustain the pace for the rest of the route. Mile 3 felt a lot slower, as I was tiring, breathig was laboured, yet more controlled. I was focusing on breathing from my diaphragm, and it helped. The last part of the 5k was uphill, and I gave it my all, and covered it in 37 seconds, very quick.
I clocked my Garmin and screamed to myself, as it read 18:57!!!!!!
That is 63 seconds under my 2008 goal!
I have finally got it, and it want even a race, and I did it on the back of a really hard track session. I am not saying that if I was fresher I may have done better, or even in a race, but I would think it would be a bit quicker.
Ayhow, who cares, I have done it, and I am over the moon. Whats next??? Sub 18? God, I dont think I will be able to do that!
Please leave f/b. Thanks guys.
For a while I have been thinking about if I could go sub 20 for the 5k, and tonight, I (foolishly, after a very hard track session last night), set out and had a go at it. So it was not an official race, it was a time trial on my own with my garmin.In actual fact I stepped out of the door with the intention of just going by feel, and to my suprise without even pushing it I did the first mile in 6:30.It was then I thought, well to run a 5k sub 20 I need to run at 6:27 pace, so it was only at this time that I decided to try for the 5k PR.Mile 2 was covered in 5:50. It was fast, too fast I thought, as I though that I was not going to be able to sustain the pace for the rest of the route. Mile 3 felt a lot slower, as I was tiring, breathig was laboured, yet more controlled. I was focusing on breathing from my diaphragm, and it helped. The last part of the 5k was uphill, and I gave it my all, and covered it in 37 seconds, very quick.
I clocked my Garmin and screamed to myself, as it read 18:57!!!!!!
That is 63 seconds under my 2008 goal!
I have finally got it, and it want even a race, and I did it on the back of a really hard track session. I am not saying that if I was fresher I may have done better, or even in a race, but I would think it would be a bit quicker.
Ayhow, who cares, I have done it, and I am over the moon. Whats next??? Sub 18? God, I dont think I will be able to do that!
Please leave f/b. Thanks guys.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Hard Track session
here is what we did tonight at the track:
In between each rep was a 1 minute rest
Overall average was 5:05 per mile, with mile splits of:
0.58-2:42(4:41 pace)
I worked hard, and felt strong. There are 2 groups at the track, one for average runners like myelf, and one for the top runners, they do extra each set. In my group I lead for most of the intervals which suprised me. Really gives you a confidence boost, and I got a lot of praise off coach. Also noticed that the sub 40 10kers were quite a few seconds behind me each interval, so that is good too.
In between each rep was a 1 minute rest
Overall average was 5:05 per mile, with mile splits of:
0.58-2:42(4:41 pace)
I worked hard, and felt strong. There are 2 groups at the track, one for average runners like myelf, and one for the top runners, they do extra each set. In my group I lead for most of the intervals which suprised me. Really gives you a confidence boost, and I got a lot of praise off coach. Also noticed that the sub 40 10kers were quite a few seconds behind me each interval, so that is good too.
Monday, January 21, 2008
A New Year: New Goals
Well, my aims for this year are sub 40 for the 10K, and sub 19 for the 5k.
I have just finished my 8 week long MAF training peaking at 70miles.
Now I am doing track workout on Tues, Tempo on Thurs, either alone or with CH.Hill work Sat.
I am trying to develop my strength and speed now and have cut down the mileage to get me sub 40.
When I am ready I will test myself.
Recent workouts have been.
8x1:30 reverse, averaging 5:47m/pace at track
Treadmill: 4x1mile at 15km 1mile at 16/17km, with a recovery
Treadmill: 8km in 34:28 - 6:57 pace.
I have just finished my 8 week long MAF training peaking at 70miles.
Now I am doing track workout on Tues, Tempo on Thurs, either alone or with CH.Hill work Sat.
I am trying to develop my strength and speed now and have cut down the mileage to get me sub 40.
When I am ready I will test myself.
Recent workouts have been.
8x1:30 reverse, averaging 5:47m/pace at track
Treadmill: 4x1mile at 15km 1mile at 16/17km, with a recovery
Treadmill: 8km in 34:28 - 6:57 pace.
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